In reading one of the responses to whether short guys are intimidated by tall girls, I stumbled on a comment that said, tall girls are mean.
Do you think tall girls are mean to each other or to boys/men that are shorter?
In cases where I have been firm (I prefer to say rather then mean) was when the guy or person did not get the hint and follows me around trying to hold a conversation.
My hints blatantly say or show that I am not interested in talking to him/her but some people just do not get it. In the person not getting it, firmness becomes most appropriate (and works for me).
Other then that, I don't bother being firm because it is easier to simply move away from the person.
What do you think? What have you done when a shorter guy that you were not interested in kept chasing you around town or the nightclub?
What I actually meant by that comment was that alot of tall girls look at shorter guys like they are dirt. Its no wonder shorter guys would feel intimidated because of this attitude as its if they are communicating that they are superior to you in some way.
At the end of the day its these girls who lose out because no guy no matter how tall is gonna want to know
I'm not mean to anyone, neither do I have a bad attitude.
But being a tall girl, I get LOTS of crap from guys who are shorter than I am. So of course, just like any human being, I put my guard up, lol. I'm not mean, but I do make sure I'm ready for what may come my way. I mean I've come across many guys who've said all kinds of things, ranging from things that are just plain cruel all the way to rude sexual language. Honestly I don't appreciate it. All because I'm taller than they are?
I think just like any human being, you just get tired of certain things and people. A lot of times it's uncomfortable being around guys who are shorter because just like you say most of us are mean and have an attitude, I can say that most short guys are mean and they never have anything nice to say to us.
I think some tall girls, like myself seem mean because people are always gawking! We use that "mean" look to make people look in another direction.
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