I forgot where I read this but the average height for a woman is 5'4". If that is true than women 5'5" and up are tall.
This is why I do not specify height on this blog. If you believe that you are tall than you are.
Someone in a room of women that are 5'2" and they are 5'5" could feel like a giant, just like how I feel in a room of women 5'8"ish.
The ups and downs of being tall is not just about women 6'0 and over.
Does this make sense?
If the average height for a woman is 5'4" then I'm huge at almost 6'3"! LOL (No offence, KT. lol) Nah, I think anyone over the 'average height' is on the tall side. Some are much taller than others, but I guess when you think about it, the word 'tall' is pretty broad. I have always referred to myself as being "very tall" because I have always thought of tall being around 5'10". I guess if you're tall, you're tall. LOL I don't know what I'm talking about. That's what happens when you have a glass of wine with dinner. LMAO Yay for leaving my first post and being buzzed!
Nothing wrong with having a nice glass of wine. ha! I sent you an email. Go see :)
In reference to "tall"...I am leaning towards the "feeling of being tall" more so than the person actual height. My mother is 5'8 and she thinks that she is tall. I giggle at her but if she believes it than I back her just like I do any other "tall girl". Great point Shauna
I agree with you KT. I am 6'0 and I have some friends at 5'9 who have some of the same struggles as me. sometimes I think it is funny
If you think you tall, you tall.
I had a female co-worker about the same height as me, almost 5'9". She didn't really consider herself that tall. But I also had another female co-worker who said she was big and was 5'10". People have different perceptions of themselves. I don't consider my sister-in-law big at all, even though she's also 5'10".
I agree Jonathan. It odd but sometimes height becomes a mental thing. Someone 5'4" in a room of 5' people can consider themselves tall. It is perspective sometimes.Paula
KT please add me to your mailing list. I want to read the journal when it comes out next month.
I think I'll have to agree. It took me a while to accept, that compared to average height for girls, I'm tall. I got use to many girls being my height or shorter (I'm 5'8.5); but compared to everyone blood-wise on my dad's side of the family, I seriously am THE Shrimp. My dream since I was 5 was to be 6' because that is average for the females.
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