Why exactly do some people think that tall girls are men before they are identified as a girl or woman?
I have been told that this is the million dollar question!
But, with the forever changing world, I can understand the thought being considered but why not take a tall girl for face value?
Why does she possibly have to be a female impersonator just because she is tall?
This dynamic continues to amuse me because thoughts of the sort can really put a damper on an attempt to court a tall girl.
I have become so bold to ask if the person thought that I was initially a man pretending to be woman. Crazy huh?
Nope! It actually opens up the conversation, getting the discussion about height out of the way.
I am one of those keep it forward-thinking people...lol.. when thinking of a man to date, I don't want to spend a great deal of time talking about being a woman and how I got to be so tall.
Especially since no one is asking the average height women, how did they get so average. Does this make any sense?
This is a new question. This was not hear before today because I have been watching.
Anyway, there are so many men who act like women that is why we ask.
Probably not a good idea to ask right away and in some cases we can just look. But if unsure why not ask KT?
"why not ask"?? are you SERIOUS?? do you honestly have no idea how it would affect a tall woman -- who has probably spent hours getting ready and gone out thinking she looks really good that night -- to be asked whether she is actually a man in drag?
KIKI ,,,,,well there are a lot of men pretending to be women. we have to safeguard ourselves. when in question we should continue to ask. but I understand how it could damper the mood.
That's all well and good, but if you're chatting up a girl and you find yourself seriously wondering if she might actually be a man...well, I would question your judgement in continuing to be interested. I know many tall girls and I can't say any of them EVER look like they might be a man in drag. If you find yourself chatting up ladies who you worry might be drag queens maybe you should work on your taste in women :P
And by the way, there are a lot of short guys out there -- an average height woman could just as easily turn out to be a man as a tall woman could.
I can't even imagine being so bad-mannered as to ask "excuse me lady, are you perchance a man?" ^_^
I've met lots of tall women, some of them even extremely above the average (6'8" or so), and they all looked definitely feminine in my eyes. Only in one instance I happened to hear a third party rumor about a girl I had met, saying "she" had actually been a "he" not so long before.
But in the end, who cares? For a casual acquaintance or a simple friendship the actual gender is irrelevant. It only becomes important when a romantic relationship -or plain sex- are involved. And in this case there should be no uncertainty, if "she" has kept her biological gender secret you're dealing with an insincere person, definitely a bigger problem than a simple cross-gender.
What actually bothers me is the opposite: men who are unmistakably male but wear long, wavy hair for fashion... when seen from afar in a crowd they may be mistaken for a tall woman, especially if all you can see is the back of their head. Then I may get closer, hoping to enjoy the sight of a nice tall girl, and turn out heavily disappointed.
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